Ways We Work

Product Management from two perspectives with Abi & Penny from Foursquare

Amandah Wood Season 1 Episode 9

This week I'm joined by two amazing guests Penny and Abi who are both Product Managers at Foursquare. We covered their very different paths into product management and tech, the ways they've navigated their careers so far and how well defined career paths really don't exist for the modern workforce. We also get into how they both manage their energy and what work-life balance means to each of them. Speaking with both Abi and Penny in a double interview format was a lot of fun because while they're both in the same role, it was so interesting to contrast how they both approach this space differently, coming from different backgrounds, and working with different teams. They are both so thoughtful and intentional about their careers but also with how they spend their time in general and I learned so much from this discussion.